Note: This is a generalize explaination of the workflow for the provided Diagram.
When a parents or guardian request a waiver for their child with intellectual / developmental disability through the Regional Center of Orange County, several processes are involved. The accompanying chart illustrates the general workflow and communication between the Regional Center of Orange County and the Social Service Agency.
Waiver requests start at the Regional Center, where parents or guardians of a child under Regional Center must submit their request through their service coordinator. Once the Regional Center receives the request and accompanying documents, they review them to determine if the applicant meets the necessary criteria. If the application is approved, the Regional Center of Orange County (RCOC) will send the information to the Social Service Agency (SSA). This process alone may take up to four months.
When the Social Service Agency receives the applicant’s information from RCOC, the the applicant’s information will be sent to the appropriate liaisons to review and make determination or redetermination. During this process, SSA continues to provide updates to the Regional Center. This could take an additional 90 days, or 30 days for redetermination..